Shonn Ross
Shonn Ross has lived in the Charlotte urban setting since 1992. Having worked in the real estate legal field, he entered into a real estate sales career in 1994. Always specializing in the in-towns neighborhoods, he first worked with a couple of the areas mid-sized firms, and then forming his own real estate brokerage with two partners in 1996, Mills/Ross Realty. Shortly afterwards he bought out his two partners and kept the name until he merged with a new partner to create Savvy + Co. Real Estate.
Savvy + Co. Real Estate is a fresh, forward-thinking real estate firm that continues Shonn’s desire for true grassroots client care. Savvy + Co. Real Estate has been designed as a warm welcoming home away from home, the kind of place with a “swell,” fun atmosphere, where clients are invited to spend some time in the hip coffee lounge and view listings on Savvy’s huge flat screen monitor. So step through our door and into your new home at Savvy + Co. Real Estate!